Sleep is the best meditation.
(Dalai Lama)[0回]
Interrogation techniques are,
-The attention grasp
- Facial hold
- Walling
- Facial Slap
- Wall Standing
- Stress positions
- Waterboarding
- Cramped confinement(small, large, with insect)
According to Annual Arab Public Opinion Survey 2009 by University of Maryland, the result is as follows. Countries surveyed are Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
-Citizen of your country: 35%
-Muslim: 32%
-Citizen of the world:1%
Indeed, identity quest is very severe, however, you have to adjust yourself to whatever identity you might choose for the survival on Earth.
It seems, according to the press reports nowadays, that Sakai Noriko or NPi the fallen Idol has been directed by Ex-lawyer(75 years-old) who was smashed out from the legal profession because of his notorious malpractice against laws. And, he knows the law and how to run from the law and how to avoid the sentences from the court.
So, Sakai Noriko was, according to his professional advice, staying in some places(especially hot spring areas) to get rid of her drugs from her body, and then, after the suitable time when the urine has no evidence of the drug, she surrendered herself after hair cut to avoid DNA test.
This ex-lawyer knows that confession and DNA test ( indirect evidence) could not be enough for prosectution legally.
Anyway, NPi's father, who is dead already, was a boss of one of the Japanese mafia clan.
This black-masked underground "lawyer" shall be tested and revealed under the sun duely.
Some Japanese overseas complain that NHK world, free of charge, is now mostly in English, for they had been enjoying the programs in Japanese, especially the news.
Well, of course, it is very understandable that NHK world is broadcast for the world where English is mostly understood, and not for the Japanese population outside Japan. And, those Japanese can subscribe to NHK Premium channell in Japanese, though it costs you monthly.
Some linguistic balance in the TV shall be thought as reasonable in this issue, for the foreigner would, perhaps, like to see some programs in Japanese, especially those who are learning Japanese.
And, all in all, the cultural relations are, or should be, done by the mutual exchanges from both sides equally, not by unilateral action at all: Languages used also be the same.[0回]
Spoiled Sakai, Junkie Japanese Actress, has confessed that she did have and used the illegal drugs several times. And some small quantity of the drugs was found in her home or in her cosmedic bag.
However, some "law" experts point out that Sakai may, possiby, be prosecuted because of the little drugs found so far. You bastards!
I can not believe this, or I could not believe this comment from so-called those with legal mind.
If she not prosecuted, then, Japan's criminal legal system is, substantially ineffective, losing the trust of the people.