Nowadays in Japan, the media is clocking around "Oshio" (not OSHO) and "Noripi", who are both of Tv personalities; Noripi or Noriko Sakai is a sort of original "Idol" for her cute characteristics and her Mar-like language, and Manabu Oshio is an "frank-expressing" actor who gained the popular actress Akiko Yada as his spouse.
Both cases are drug-related, directly or indirectly.
Suspect Oshio has used composed drug called "Ecstasy" with a porno actress in "his" secret whore mansion, when doing the intercourse and "killed" her on the bed, and left her naked dead, running away. What a whoring Nut!!
He says, according to the press, that he does not know this tablet is a drug; if so, it is more than nuts' nonsense.
He may be charged for malinformation, drugs and accidental or intentional "killing". And what a scandal for his bad-choosing wife and the son who may have the bad labelling upon his forhead from now on.
And HE Mr. Hatoyama, former suddenly-resigned Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, has put Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, one of SMAP, as inhuman, when Tsuyoshi was arrested for his streaking sitting in the night park. Well, Mr. Hatoyama, then, how do you describe Oshio in this case? "Es El Chupacabra?"
Another case, or Noripi's case.
Her husband, once the famous fake surfer, is arrested for the illegal drugs; just after the arrest done, Mrs. Noriko Sakai has vanished as spirited away with their child: the police source has revealed yesterday that her mobile is tracing back to a point in Yamanashi prefecture or Mt. MINOBU that is famous for its temple in it. She might, according to personal impressions, stay in the temple under monks or nuns' care with her mother. To vanish the drugs inside her body?
All in all, the drugs are, as said, spreading in the show biz specifically and in Japan generally, which is sort of very alarming information indeed.
And the choices of 2 Japanese famous actresses could be soul-less from the beginning because of sights' lack: and now all get lost.
I have heard from my friends in Kiev that they can now get Japanese food including Miso or soy-bean- paste used normally for daily soup.
Well, surely, in Russia also is Japanese cuisine popular to some extent because of its healthy image; however, it is not certain those Japanese restaurants are authentic or sort of pseudo- Japanese ones.
Anyhow, the most important point is that the price is still very expensive for the Japanese taste, which can be sort of obstacles to get reach to the restaurant!
Statues of Buddha are now popular for the Japanese people to taste them by watching, which is, on the other hand, igniting thefts to steal these artifacts. And certainly, these Buddha-Statues are, through black markets, sold in the foreign countries and may be purchased by Asia-freaked-collectors.
Well, some rural areas in Japan have lost their symbolic value emobodied by the Buddha that vanished by stealing.
Ironically indeed, the Buddha Booming in Japan has caused Buddha-Exodus illegally. And to get thigns worse, only a few people, among the Japanese people, notice this heart-breaking situation.
Buddha statues can be perceived as Arts. However, when they have, through the ages, been worshipped by the people, they are sort of en-souled beings. In it, they are not things to be stolen or not.
Sometimes do I communicate with my friend in Juba, South Sudan about situations overthere. Post conflict management, especially the small arms management in the framework of DDR is one of the points to discuss.
Unfortunately, those wealthy countries with natural resources are under complex conflicts, for there are many players seeking their interests, national or personal.
In this sense, south Sudan is a "good" example as cross-fire-point.
Personally am I open-minded pessimist for the Sudan situation for some reasons.
Anyhow, Abdullah the Butcher or Larry Shreve is, to be said, from Sudan, however, the source said his grandmother was living in Sudan for a short time, and he himself is born and
bred in Canada. It seems he now runs a restaurant, and live in Japan?!
The day of 31-7-2009 is a good occasion to wrap up what you have had such as inner conflicts, especially that of human bondages or relations.
In this sense, just a small "test" mail to a specific person can be a key to resolve or trigger changes deeply, and in due course, the accumulated dormant energies will be washed away.
New start has begun for all beings on Earth.
No.70|Self And Other Realizations|Comment(0)|Trackback()
According to Mr. Gary Bonnell, when one soul incarnate into the material body, at least another soul is needed to ignite a plasma-etheric energy which can let the soul walk into the heart or thymus gland.
In it, yes indeed, two souls are, at least, connected in the incarnation process; however, after this process, another soul can leave whereever or whenever it wants.
These two souls can be put as so-called "Twin Souls"?
Well, my impression tells they are not.
Yes, they are cooperating, however, they are, in the first place, not limited to the specific souls: they are totally unique one being, or so-called "Triadic Being."
No.69|Self And Other Realizations|Comment(0)|Trackback()
To change your realities