
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






satellite TVs


well, mostly in these days, I am watching MBC1,2,3, Action and Max, Dubai one. no choice other than these. MBC1 is generally good for daily info, MBC2 is for movies, MBC3 for cartoons, MBC action/Max with so so . Dubai one with movies. sometime, watching Nat Geo Abu Dhabi... for news' sake, Arabiya Hadath can be a choice?1




ghost stories


Ghost stories are here and there... and those loving to listen to ghost stories are, indeed, very human with more compassion for the human beings. They have nerves for those lost.


No.150|Self And Other RealizationsCommentTrackback



Well, Gary Bonnell's site is as below. http://www.garybonnell.com/



year 2016 shall be ...


so, hopefully is everyone living so and so in 2016. And fortunately or unfortunately , time is running much faster than Light speed?! Anyhow, things are chaning and so are humans. The year 2016 is something very special, something, and life-changing, peut-etre. Forgeting about the spiritual, but living as spritual will be indicating to whereabout of you. All in all, belly laughing moment is, indeed, enlightenment.


No.148|Self And Other RealizationsCommentTrackback

Thermae Romae


Zara Spa, in Dead Sea, had been really existed in the roman period , it seems. for you know, Kalliroe hot spring where Herod the Great was frequenting for hot spring's remedy, and in it, of course, as of today, there was/is good quality of medical Mud composed of hot spring minerals and Dead Sea extract. As my imagination is going on, it feels that Romans in the past come from Jericho by boat to east side of Dead Sea, or specifically, to Kallioroe hot spring area, in order to take medical treatments. And you can find ruins of the past Kalliroe therama romae in it, which includes many bathing spaces. it sounds thousands of bathing people can enjoy the essence of hot spiring together with floating experience upon Dead Sea. Still, Dead Sea is located in the most lowest point of the Earth like Womb/Vagina of Terra, and sun bathing is more healthy in it with more oxygen. In addition, Dead Sea mud of much salt can syphon out your bad energy as in detox.... Romans know Something, all in all.


No.147|Self And Other RealizationsCommentTrackback

Spring Equinox


Well, again, I've got another newsletter for March edition, and here you are to share~~ and good March days! http://spiritofmaat.com/mar12/index.htm "Most of us are aware that these are not ordinary times. By the twenty-second of March the Sun will meet the Aries Point and inseminate the planet with the next wave of change. Since there is no precedent for what is to come, all we can do is open our Hearts and surrender to that which we have yet to fully comprehend. With that in mind our March issue is full of articles and media presentations that will help you stay centered and clear at a point when everything in creation is shifting into a totally new gear. To honor the essence of the season, and to keep the focus where it counts, we chose to post Drunvalo’s “Birth of a New Humanity” at the top of the article list. From there we go on to cover things with an eye to making the reality of this birth experience a whole lot easier. Welcome to our Spring Equinox edition! It’s time to dive in and let the promise of new beginnings, along with all of the information in this month’s issue, bless you with a deeper sense of what it might mean to open your eyes and gaze out upon a world where the Heart lies at the center of everything."



Winter Solstice


 well, I've got today the newsletter from Spirit of Ma'at ... Winter Solstice edition, and here to share with you.

As the red carpet of holiday energies ushers us toward the Winter Solstice, the advent of 2012 gives us yet another reason to celebrate. The joys of the season remind us that that the spark that ignites on December 22nd will seed the matrix with the blueprint for the coming year.

All of us understand that we are privileged to be the ones who get to bear witness to the Great Shift of the Ages. No matter how we choose to frame our 2012 pictures, and whether or not we ascribe to the idea that it is a moment of unprecedented change, most of us have come to the realization that what happens next is living inside the visions that manifest every time we remember what we’re here for.

It is in our hearts that we connect with the things that will help us change the world. On the night of the Solstice, the light of the world returns – and in the center of that moment Spirit works through us to recreate itself. At this most magical time of the year, imagine what could happen if our hearts opened wide enough to allow all of our highest visions to etch new patterns of Unity and Love into the blueprint for 2012.

With this in mind, all of the articles and media presentations in our Winter Solstice edition are here to touch you with thoughts and feelings that will stir your soul to remember its purpose and keep you tuned to things that will help you make a difference in the world. This is our gift to all of you.

We wish you Happy Holidays and much Joy! May the blessings of the season continue to light up the matrix with the dreams that your hearts bring to life on December twenty-second.


