Democracy costs you much indeed,and you need money, but the developing countries can get such amount of money from where? They should depend upon the Developed for Democracy for a long term?
Without money, western valued democracy can not be realized in the poor countries in daily need indeed.
Do you know this in real sense?
When the water is discussed, usually will be touched upon how to use most of rains by using dams.
Dams can be a fine tool, however, does dam be a real Notre Dame to save the natural gift of waters? Or Dams only support vaporing of water in the long term, when the underground dam can be a good alternative to use natural filter of Earth?
Or, dam is to destruct environment and local communities?
Or, dam can be a haven or new heavens for Malaria mosquitos?
Things are not simple indeed.
And no answer in the end of discussions, except pessimistic sigh?!
The present water use of any country can be divided into 4 components mainly.
1. Domestic Water Use
2. Agricultural Water Use
3. Industrial Water Use
4. Touristic Water Use
And as you might know, hotels consume so much of water; to promote tourism in the developing countries mean sharp increase of water use, when the water shortage can be another big blow for those in need.
One of reports I have read says that some water basin of a country will be depleted by around 2020 if people use water by the same speed of its usage. This can be a biggest blow to the country.
Well, then, what do you do?
Good planning, good management of water resources, or budget increase in the sector, or education of local people to use wisely, or infra refinement against water leaking?
Or desalination, or import water?
This is not a challenge for the country alone, but a challenge to you, sooner or later.
Everybody says that the sustainability and the ownership are important during planning and evaluation and exection.
Well, it might be so, but , do you think that the sustainability is possible in reality when you face the LImit to Growth?
Ownership? Most of the grant money goes into those of International Organizations and International Consultants, and then, the recepient gets what? Hill of Reports? How can you own yourself without any real material supports?
Surely, to dig a well might be a good support for those in need for the water.
However, nowadays, it is not rare that you find no new wells give you less water than you expected; the underwater is siphoned up already by more than the sustainable.
This situation is not limited in certain areas, but world-wide situations now.
So, to dig a well is no more a solution to the water problem.
So what do we do?
To build desalination plant run by power of nuclear plants?
Anger and Hatred are emotional lethal weapons from the energetic perspective.
Yes, you may feel huge hatred toward what has happened on 9/11, however, don't you feel that your emotional distress triggers and invites more terrors and instabilities in the world?
Indignation can be fine, however, still does it trigger other waves of Hatred around you.
And most of the sensitives feel big blows of negative energies on 9/11.
When you think about how to deal with Terrorism, you have to check your emotional weapons you use in the daily life.