
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

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No.144|Self And Other RealizationsCommentTrackback

for your reference


I have got some info as below to share with those who may find it necessary ..

Drunvalo’s more recent teachings have generated so much interest he has decided to add one more workshop to his 2011 workshop schedule. Those of you who thought you’d have to wait till 2012 to participate in an “Awakening the Illuminated Heart” seminar will be pleased to hear about the following event, scheduled to take place at the end of November:


A five-day workshop with Drunvalo Melchizedek
To be held at:
The Sedona Creative Life Center in Sedona, Arizona, USA

From November 28th to December 2nd, 2011

Drunvalo’s newest workshop, “Awakening The Illuminated Heart”, will be presented at the Creative Life Center, in Sedona, Arizona from November 28th through December 2nd, 2011. This workshop is a synthesis of all of Drunvalo’s research into the secrets of the heart and the nature of human consciousness. It is a return to the manner in which this information was transmitted in ancient times, for the first time in the modern world.

The only prerequisite to enter this teaching is to read the first three of Drunvalo’s books: “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”, Volume I and II, and “Living in the Heart”. It is no longer mandatory to be familiar with the earlier MerKaBa method because all of the information pertaining to the Sacred Space of the Heart, the brain relationships and the Beams of Light, the opening of the Third Eye and the MerKaBa, and a clear understanding of how to create from the Tiny Space of the Heart is given at one time. In this teaching, the MerKaBa activates automatically and effortlessly, and becomes permanent immediately. When this workshop is completed, you will have the inner tools to truly begin the ascension process.

This is the simplest, easiest, and most direct teaching on the subject of ascension that Drunvalo has ever presented.



Gate of Triangle


 One Possibility


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Fall Equinox for not Fall but Uplift


 Well, I have got a newsletter today for the new edition of Spriti-of- Ma'at  e-magazine. Here you are for sharing. and Good September for the Way!

 Fall Equinox Edition of The Spirit of Ma'at 


The people who make it their business to inform us about the future have billed September 2011 as a month full of cataclysm and upheaval. With major Earth changes already altering the fabric of our lives, even the most skeptical among us has to wonder if the prophets might be right when they say: “This isn’t going to let up. We haven’t seen anything yet”. In the midst of predictions that raise all of life’s more ultimate questions, how do we respond to the one that asks us; “What do we need to be doing at a time like this?”

If some of us have chosen to keep living our lives as if everything will keep right on going, there are others who are ready to leave it all behind and head for higher ground. For every person who decides to “Get right with God” or hunker down in an “Off the Grid” bunker, there are just as many who aren’t the least bit concerned about how all of this plays out. As we approach the Fall Equinox, no one knows for sure what the future holds – but no matter how we choose to approach it, we are united by the fact that we are all in this together. For that reason, our September issue was compiled with the intent to look at what’s on the horizon from a variety of different perspectives.

If what you find here gets you thinking, not only about how you see things, but about how others have decided to live through this trip through the Eye of the Needle, our mission will be accomplished. Welcome to our “9/11, Fall Equinox Edition”; it’s time to open your mind and let it be filled with a harvest of timely and informative articles and media presentations. 



No.141|Self And Other RealizationsCommentTrackback

Newsletter to share


 Well, I have got today a new issue of Newsletter, which should be shared with you.

THE SPIRIT OF MA’AT – August 2011 – The ‘EYE OF THE HEART’ Edition
  Leo is the sign that governs the greater part of the month of August; Leo is also the ruler of the heart. By the time the Sun enters this stretch of the Zodiac the fruit of our lives has grown out of the seeds that were sown in the Spring. 
 As the life force meets the surface in its most glorious realization, and we reflect upon everything that has come down since the Vernal Equinox, it doesn’t take much to see that something out of this world has entered the picture.

 Between the earthquakes, the floodgates, and our efforts to make sense of it all, we stand at a point of reckoning – and the questions that make us wonder what’s really going on are waiting to be answered. 

 Many things have come to light in the last few months; the 13 Crystal Skulls have reunited, the Elders are about to fulfill a prophecy that will reawaken the Spirit of Tamuanchan, and the stars have opened channels and circuits that are ready to link all of humanity with the single Eye of the Heart. 

 What will happen when the forgotten aspect of our consciousness remembers itself? As we become more aware of our intimate connection with the creation process, the power of Spirit turns out to be the beacon in a realm of infinite possibilities.

 Welcome to our ‘Eye of the Heart’ edition; with the ‘Heart of the Lion’ beaming down on all of our choices, may everything that you find in this month’s issue inspire you to go within and enter the space where there is nothing but truth – and where the inner light is bright enough to bring all of your visions to the surface in their fullest and most glorious realization.






  Some Imaging Today



April Newsletter from Newsletter "The Ring of Fire"


 I have got the newsletter from Spirit of Ma'at that shall be shared with others, and here you are

 As the planet reels from the shock of the three-way catastrophe that decimated Japan less than a month ago, memories of the Deep Water Horizon Disaster, and the annihilation of the Gulf of Mexico, and the numerous mega-quakes, and volcanic eruptions that have occurred in the last two years are too fresh in our minds for us to feel, or think, or know what to make of it all.

 At the same time, the writing is very clearly on the wall. No matter how hard it is for us to describe what we cannot comprehend, the Japanese disaster has forced us to come to terms with things that we have been in denial about for far too long. The enormity of the quake, and the tsunami, and the Hiroshima-esque meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant have raised enough of a solar flare to tilt the collective heart toward a deeper desire for truth and light.

 There are no words to express the grief that we feel over the horror that has befallen our brothers and sisters in Japan. Our love goes out to them.

 May our prayers give them the strength to understand why Gaia chose them to undergo this part of the birthing process with her, and may those of us who stand by and watch, learn from the impeccability of their example. Without pretending that there are words for events of this magnitude, our writers have made an attempt to speak from their hearts.

 It is our wish that everything you find in our ‘Ring of Fire’ issue be considered an offering to the energies and forces that have the power to ease the suffering of the Japanese people and that are here now to help all of us open our eyes to the light that shines at the end of the tunnel.


