
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Gate With Water


 Gate with Water is also a Key....



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Babaji's Recommentation


 According to Leonard Orr's book, Babaji, the Immortal, recommends as below.

Babaji also recommends that you develop a conscious relationship to the sun and moon. He says, "Staring at the moon all night can heal all the diseases of the mind and body. Watching the sun rise can give you cool strength that lasts all day."

 And "Babaji can transform us rapidly if we are willing, If every person visited him in his physical body to receive his Darshan, or Divine Glance, the realization of one human family would be inevitable."  
 Well, "if every person visited", anyway.  


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Gate With Flame


  Gate With Flame.......This is a Key Word


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Grand Cross Again?


  It seems that this year shall see another "Grand Cross" in the Universal Space, and if so, which can indicate something very inspirational shifts in Human energy and Earth's!?

  According to Wikipedia, like this.
"One particular example of a cardinal grand cross will occur in summer 2010 when Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter and Saturn and Mars will be at 0-3º Capricorn, Aries and Libra, respectively, while inner planets transit at 0-3º Cancer. "

 All in all, we might need good care of ourselves this year.



Greeting Card on 2010-1-1


 Greetings for All!!!



Happy New Year!?


  Well, "Happy New Year", we say this year-star greeting as a unquestionable habit, which is nice. However, everyday is actually a new start just like the first day of the year.... then, "Happy New Day" can be more used as a greeting instead of "Good Morning" or "Good Day".

 On the other hand, this greeting can include the wishes; I wish you a Happy New Year.
 Wishing is, generally speaking, acceptable, however, from the energetic perspective, whe you wish, you put an energy also for the reasons of the wish: unhappy past, troubles or so. If so, sort of prayer with wish could trigger more negative results against your wishes. Subtle energy works like this.

 And of course, if you do not have any of the reasons, then, it is totally OK, but then, your wishes are not Wishes, anyway: It shall be Expression of Confirmation.

  And upon it,
it is certain that this new year and coming days are fine to you and us indeed.


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Today's Food For Feel


-Healing comes from Effortless Letting Go with Nothing left to Lose.

-Meditation is to win back the mind and Restore it..Harmonization Resource...to the body for Healing.

-Healing is an absolutely simple process. It is complication that gives rise to pain and disease.There is only one disease and one source of disease.Clear the blockages to restore life, peace, and wellness.



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