
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

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April Newsletter from Newsletter "The Ring of Fire"


 I have got the newsletter from Spirit of Ma'at that shall be shared with others, and here you are

 As the planet reels from the shock of the three-way catastrophe that decimated Japan less than a month ago, memories of the Deep Water Horizon Disaster, and the annihilation of the Gulf of Mexico, and the numerous mega-quakes, and volcanic eruptions that have occurred in the last two years are too fresh in our minds for us to feel, or think, or know what to make of it all.

 At the same time, the writing is very clearly on the wall. No matter how hard it is for us to describe what we cannot comprehend, the Japanese disaster has forced us to come to terms with things that we have been in denial about for far too long. The enormity of the quake, and the tsunami, and the Hiroshima-esque meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power plant have raised enough of a solar flare to tilt the collective heart toward a deeper desire for truth and light.

 There are no words to express the grief that we feel over the horror that has befallen our brothers and sisters in Japan. Our love goes out to them.

 May our prayers give them the strength to understand why Gaia chose them to undergo this part of the birthing process with her, and may those of us who stand by and watch, learn from the impeccability of their example. Without pretending that there are words for events of this magnitude, our writers have made an attempt to speak from their hearts.

 It is our wish that everything you find in our ‘Ring of Fire’ issue be considered an offering to the energies and forces that have the power to ease the suffering of the Japanese people and that are here now to help all of us open our eyes to the light that shines at the end of the tunnel.



