
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Jump Into Eye Of Tigress


 No Death, So No Fear
You Tiger and Tigress!



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Kundalini Fusing Into Heart Space


 Kundalini rises up through your spine,
 passing through Heart Space.
 Let Kundalini Fuse with Heart and Pineal Gland.
 And Holy Trinity can be done nicely.


No.38|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Survival Japanese Daily Phrases


-Hello: Konnichiwa 
-How do you do? : Hajimemashite
-Nice to meet you. : Dozo yoroshiku 
-Good morning: Ohayo gozaimasu 
-Good evening. : Konbanwa 
- How are you? : O-genki desu ka? 
- I’m fine. Thanks. : Ee, okagesama de. 
- See you again. : Sayonara 

-Are you Mr. Salim? : Sarimu-san desu ka? 
-Yes. :Hai 
-No. : I-i-e 
-No, that’s different. : I-i-e chigaimasu. 
-I’m not Salim. : Sarimu ja arimasen. 

-Please tell me your name. : O-namae wa? 
-Which country do you come from? : O-kuni wa? 
- What sort of work do you do? : O-shigoto wa? 
- I’m from Thailand. : Tai desu. 
- I’m an engineer. :Enjinia desu. 
- trainee : Kenshuin 
- instructor : insutorakuta 
-student: gakusei 
-teacher: kyoshi/sensei 
-public official: komuin 
-company employee: kaishain 
-doctor: isha 
-nurse: kangofu

 ○Lesson 4 
-Excuse me./please: Onegai shimasu 
-Please/Here you are.: Dozo 
-Your passport, please.: Pasupoto, onegai shimasu 
-Yes, here you are. : Hai, dozo. 
-This one, please.: Kore, onegai shimasu. 
-Certainly.: Hai, kashikomari mashita. 
-Once again, please.: Mou ichido onegai shimasu 
- Slowly, please. : Yukkuri onegai shimasu. 
- This one: Kore 
-it/that one(close to the hearer): Sore 
-that one: are

 ○Lesson 5 
-I’m sorry./Excuse me./ Thank you. : Sumimasen 
-Thank you.: Arigato gozaimasu. 
-You are welcome. : Dou itashimashite. 
-Please help yourself to the coffee.: Kohii, dozo. 
-I’m sorry.(apology): Gomennasai

 ○Lesson 6 
-Where is the toilet? : Toire wa doko desu ka? 
- It’s over there.: Asoko desu. 
-Where’s the office?: Jimusho wa doko desu ka? 
-It’s here.: Koko desu. 
-Where’s the switch?: Suitchi wa doko desu ka? 
-It’ there(beside you). : Soko desu. 
-I this the office?: Koko wa jimusho desu ka? 
- Where am I? : Koko wa doko desu ka? 
-Where is the cafeteria?: Shokudo wa doko desu ka? 
-On the second floor.: Ni-kai desu.

 ○Lesson 7 
-There: Soko 
- Overthere: Asoko 
-where: doko 
-elevator/lift: erebeta 
-reception: uketsuke 
-money exchange: ryogae 
-bank; ginko 
-post office: yubinkyoku 
-post box: posuto 
-supermarket: supa 
-department store: depato 
-pharamacy/chemist: kusuriya/yakkyoku 
-hospital: byoin 
-station: eki 
-bus stop: basutei 
-restaurant: resutoran

 ○Lesson 8 
-Do you have an English menu?: Eigo no menyu, arimasu ka? 
-Give me sandwiches, please. : Sandoichi, kudasai 
-Do you have sandwiches?: Sandoichi, arimasu ka? 
-Yes, we have.: Hai, arimasu. 
-Give me spaghetti, please.: Supagetti, kudasai. 
-Certainly.: Hai 
- May I help you?: Irashai mase. 
- Coffee, please.: Kohii, onegai shimasu 
-No, we haven’t.: I-i-e, arimasen. 
- May I take your order?: Go-chumon wa? 
- How many of you are there?: Nan nin sama desu ka? 
-Three: San-nin desu. 
- This way, please.: Kochira e dozo.


No.35|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Bird Cage


  Well, again....

  Those under the house cage are sort of parasites, however, in food safety.

  And, the human beings are, indeed, in the body cage, not remembering their origin.

  When you go out from the cages, then, you will have noticed that you have wings, not used yet for aeon of times.


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Some Ideas


Breathe deeply in and out.
When in, lift up your shoulder and make all the body tensioned.
And when breathing out, let all the powers going out from your body.
Try this breathing a few times, and then, let yourself breathe as it flows.

〇 Waterfall
Imagine vividly that you are under the waterfall, whether big or small.
Water of the waterfall is coming down through your head to the feet, which can be of cleansing yourself. The water is washing all of yourself, body, emotions, mind…
You can do this when lying or when sick.

〇Inner Sun = Outer Sun
Shift your attention or consciousness to a bit down to the solar plexus, and you feel Sun is there.
Then, you are, indeed, feeling that your body is being warmed up.
Let Sun bigger than your body and the room you are in, and you are the center of Sun.
Let Sun become more than the solar system and the galaxies.
This Sun is actually You.

〇 Excursion trip of Sky-Man-Fusion
Imagine that a balloon is coming down in front of you, and just get on it.
There is a comfortable chair in it and the small table you can put your snacks.
Now is the time to lift up with the balloon.
The balloon is now soaring up softly and slowly, and you can see ranges of mountains with the horizon. And the balloon is going up near the edge of the atmosphere, and over it then.
You are now getting out Earth, the blue and the beautiful behind you.
And, now you are passing by the solar system, and Milky Way and the galaxies to the galaxy core.
Now you feel that you are beyond time/space and that you are nobody with 360 degree possibilities, and that you are powerlessly subtle, being the Moment itself.

Your mind and reason are trying too hard to become “Good happy person” and to realize “Birth Vision”
But you do not need any effort now, because you are like an onion; when you take off your protectors like your good knowledge, pasts, religious beliefs/truths, common sense, values of the ages, traditions, personalities, then, you are, in the end, nothing.
You are nothing, which is you: you are just the vacant tube. You are just making up things in the vacant.
And now here the Door of Space, which asks you, “Who are you?”
“I am nobody.”
Then, the next door asks you, “Where are you?”
“I am nowhere.”
The next door does, “When do you be?”
“I am all the time here.”
And now after the doors, you are in front of Time flowing.
Time runs from the future to the past; moment by moment, the time energy is running by you from the future to the present, and to the past. No accumulation of the time energy.
You meet today new persons, and you are also a new person. Because the time is coming from the future to now; you are not the accumulation of the past.
The pasts are going away.
Just listen to sounds around you. Just be one with the sounds you hear.
You do not have to try to meditate because of enlightenment nor nothingness as Zen.
Just simply listen to all the sounds around you, whatever noises, or voices.
You are now the sensor, and every sound is becoming something comfortable.
And let yourself bigger than the sounds.
You are now of outer and inner; Earth and Sky and You are in unison.

You are universe, and the universe is you. At this moment, you have no shortcomings and no advantage. You are now flowing with Time only.
Let all energies of you flowing out to the sounds as a giver.
And the small dragonfly can come to give you the energies; energies of Time/Space is endless.
Now you are one with the endless energies, and you are most powerless such as listening to the sounds, giving out energies.
You are the vacant tube where sounds and energies are going through.
Everything is fine.
You are one with Time/Space, and no need to go somewhere; you are ok as you are now, because everything is flowing as it is. Let yourself flow with it.
You are the flowing itself. And no need to return back to anywhere; you are here.
Open your eyes, and you are ok as you are now.

(End of Meditation)
*An Idea of this meditation is taken partly from Morita’s book.


No.32|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Identity Lost?


  Are you in search of your cultural identity? Because your face is this, but your language or personality is that ? 

   This kind of identity-lost or identity-divide happens often, especially when you are brought up in foreign countries so long without enough contact with your "original" country written in your passport.

  Well, then, live as a cosmopolitan, and have different faces, but not many. This can be one of solutions.


No.29|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

You Psychiatrist, Analyze And Treat Yourself First


  Those so-called mental doctors think themselves that they are saviors or that they are right to judge or evaluate others psycho and mind.  Really?

   Their majoring in the mental medicine can indicate that they have suffered from mental imbalances or diseases?

  Unfortunately,  the transfer of imbalanced psycho energies from "Holy" doctors to patients can happen, and complexity happens.  Very mental.

 Of tricky problems is that those mentally-imbalanced psychiatrists are living in the mental ivory tower, not knowing that they are ill; Nobody analyzes and deals with them.
  It might be rather reasonable for us to be careful enough when contact with those having titles of "Mental Doctors"; they are not perfect at all.



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