
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Analytic Overlay In Remote Viewing


 As for RV or  Remote Viewing, or 1000-mile sight or 3rd Eye,  those having esoteric information or psychic data can face lack of clarity of images by Analytic Overlay or "Wise" reasoning.

  Any esoteric work, meditation, body work, healing, energy work, Zen or religious enlightenment to name a few, yes, they ask you that you are a white paper.
  The well-versed in the esoteric things stumble because they are very good at coining and imitating notions by coloring; they create things, and they can not get pure original images of that which is over there in many layers of dimensions.

  To be natural to yourself, to dissolve all of what you have learned with pride, is a short cut and the Way itself; you do not havet to walk nor develop nor learn, however, as  a process, you learn and delete what you get to realize your whiteness once more.

  Don't you feel so?



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