
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






The Time is coming?


 I have got a message from Drunvalo, and this message shall be shared with many, and so here are some parts of it. If you would read more, please go to his site to receive his newsletter...

There is so much positive work being developed for this year that my staff and I felt it was important to reach out to all of you and let you know what will be presented. There are some changes that we have decided to make that we believe you may find useful in your life.

Personally, I have decided not to travel this year, and so all of my workshops for 2010 will be held here in Sedona, Arizona USA. I have been traveling somewhere in the world every three weeks for 26 years, and I feel it is time to slow down a little. Who knows in 2011, I may be back on the road again, God willing.

What this means for everyone who is planning on attending a workshop, is that beautiful Sedona Arizona and the red rock mountains with it’s vortex energy, native arts and crafts and fine dining will provide you with an inspiring backdrop for your personal inner work. I believe you will really enjoy Sedona as the spiritual center of the USA.

In Sedona there will be three of the traditional Earth/Sky/Heart Workshops on Mar 1-5, Jul 5-9 and Oct 4-8. And then, for the first time in twelve years, I will be giving a new workshop, which is an advanced level of the Earth/Sky/Heart.

In recent years I have really been listening to you as students of this work, and I now feel that there is more that can be given to help you to realize the higher levels of consciousness that have been presented in the Earth/Sky/Heart workshop.

What I hear from many of you is that you understand about the Mer-Ka-Ba, the Beams of Light and the intricate relationship between the Sacred Place of the Heart and the tip of the tongue and the glands in the brain. You intellectually understand what to do, but you struggle to bring this into your daily lives and live and breathe it. I have focused in on the differences between those of you who live and breathe this work as part your daily ritual and those of you who are challenged by the outside world that pulls at all of us.

What I hear is that when you get home from the workshop your everyday-life takes over and you can’t hold the power of your inner space that you discovered in the workshop. Your friends, family, and co-workers may have different understandings than you and there are so many distractions. Weeks go by and many of you have completely forgotten the Mer-Ka-Ba and the Sacred Space of your heart.

How can you actually make this real in your lives where it becomes the basis of your life, your actions, your relationships, your inner space, and your sense of self rather than just a meditation that you do? The struggle to bring your inner world into realization is the obstacle to you really knowing in your everyday life that the Universe is supporting you in each breath you take.

The new material I am working on is centered around clearing these obstacles and assisting you in the creation of a way of being that delivers this awareness with each beat of your heart. Your outer world will then reflect the love of your inner world and all your needs will be met from within and your personal work will be a work of pleasure and accomplishment. This is my prayer for this new workshop.

This new, extended, Advanced Earth/Sky/Heart work will be presented for the first time on these scheduled dates: April 12-16, August 16-20 and Nov 8-12. (Sorry, but the April workshop is already full)

The next announcement I have to make started a year ago when I dreamed of giving live broadcasts from right here in Sedona over the internet to the world. We experimented with this last year with the live broadcast from Hungary with THE MAYA OF ETERNAL TIME and the live Q&A afterwards. (You can see this on You Tube) It is so complicated to do, but at this point we are ready to give it another try. There will be another broadcast coming called THE BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY. We have tentatively set the date of April 22, 2010, Earth Day, which probably will be the date. We will be confirming this date within two weeks.

The broadcast is the secret information around the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, their evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.

Then there are the true stories of how one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain, I believe, the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.

So you know our intentions, we are exploring the possibility of presenting a free live broadcast either every week or twice a month translated into about ten languages. It would be just me speaking about spirituality in the 21st century. If you have ideas or concepts around this possibility or would like to help, please let us know. This is still in the dreaming state, but the studio is just sitting there with everything that is needed, except it is very expensive to produce.

As part of this new leap into communication technology my websites are being updated and rebuilt for you to easily use. When this gets done www.drunvalo.net, which will be separate from
www.onelotus.net, and will be the primary site for my global schedule as it is now, but it will also hold everything else. You will be able to order your front row seat for the live broadcast as well as all of my books and DVD’s on www.drunvalo.net. The www.onelotus.net web site will function more as a resource site after all of the content is shifted to www.drunvalo.net.



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