
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Human Energy System Including Merkaba


  Human Energy system can be like this in certain levels, as I feel it.




Kundalini Fusing Into Heart Space


 Kundalini rises up through your spine,
 passing through Heart Space.
 Let Kundalini Fuse with Heart and Pineal Gland.
 And Holy Trinity can be done nicely.


No.38|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Star Ship of Pleiades


 It is said that Pleiadians check the Earth every 3,600 years, and now have they already come back to her; they are now among us, and so are Orions.



Water Problems


 1.07 billion people in the world do not have an access to safe drinking water, and 95 % of them are living in the developing countries.

 2.62 billion people  do not have any access to the sanitation in living, and 97% of them are in the develpoing countries.

 To use more sustainable water with a certain technology could support  efforts to solutions of the water problems, if any?



Survival Japanese Daily Phrases


-Hello: Konnichiwa 
-How do you do? : Hajimemashite
-Nice to meet you. : Dozo yoroshiku 
-Good morning: Ohayo gozaimasu 
-Good evening. : Konbanwa 
- How are you? : O-genki desu ka? 
- I’m fine. Thanks. : Ee, okagesama de. 
- See you again. : Sayonara 

-Are you Mr. Salim? : Sarimu-san desu ka? 
-Yes. :Hai 
-No. : I-i-e 
-No, that’s different. : I-i-e chigaimasu. 
-I’m not Salim. : Sarimu ja arimasen. 

-Please tell me your name. : O-namae wa? 
-Which country do you come from? : O-kuni wa? 
- What sort of work do you do? : O-shigoto wa? 
- I’m from Thailand. : Tai desu. 
- I’m an engineer. :Enjinia desu. 
- trainee : Kenshuin 
- instructor : insutorakuta 
-student: gakusei 
-teacher: kyoshi/sensei 
-public official: komuin 
-company employee: kaishain 
-doctor: isha 
-nurse: kangofu

 ○Lesson 4 
-Excuse me./please: Onegai shimasu 
-Please/Here you are.: Dozo 
-Your passport, please.: Pasupoto, onegai shimasu 
-Yes, here you are. : Hai, dozo. 
-This one, please.: Kore, onegai shimasu. 
-Certainly.: Hai, kashikomari mashita. 
-Once again, please.: Mou ichido onegai shimasu 
- Slowly, please. : Yukkuri onegai shimasu. 
- This one: Kore 
-it/that one(close to the hearer): Sore 
-that one: are

 ○Lesson 5 
-I’m sorry./Excuse me./ Thank you. : Sumimasen 
-Thank you.: Arigato gozaimasu. 
-You are welcome. : Dou itashimashite. 
-Please help yourself to the coffee.: Kohii, dozo. 
-I’m sorry.(apology): Gomennasai

 ○Lesson 6 
-Where is the toilet? : Toire wa doko desu ka? 
- It’s over there.: Asoko desu. 
-Where’s the office?: Jimusho wa doko desu ka? 
-It’s here.: Koko desu. 
-Where’s the switch?: Suitchi wa doko desu ka? 
-It’ there(beside you). : Soko desu. 
-I this the office?: Koko wa jimusho desu ka? 
- Where am I? : Koko wa doko desu ka? 
-Where is the cafeteria?: Shokudo wa doko desu ka? 
-On the second floor.: Ni-kai desu.

 ○Lesson 7 
-There: Soko 
- Overthere: Asoko 
-where: doko 
-elevator/lift: erebeta 
-reception: uketsuke 
-money exchange: ryogae 
-bank; ginko 
-post office: yubinkyoku 
-post box: posuto 
-supermarket: supa 
-department store: depato 
-pharamacy/chemist: kusuriya/yakkyoku 
-hospital: byoin 
-station: eki 
-bus stop: basutei 
-restaurant: resutoran

 ○Lesson 8 
-Do you have an English menu?: Eigo no menyu, arimasu ka? 
-Give me sandwiches, please. : Sandoichi, kudasai 
-Do you have sandwiches?: Sandoichi, arimasu ka? 
-Yes, we have.: Hai, arimasu. 
-Give me spaghetti, please.: Supagetti, kudasai. 
-Certainly.: Hai 
- May I help you?: Irashai mase. 
- Coffee, please.: Kohii, onegai shimasu 
-No, we haven’t.: I-i-e, arimasen. 
- May I take your order?: Go-chumon wa? 
- How many of you are there?: Nan nin sama desu ka? 
-Three: San-nin desu. 
- This way, please.: Kochira e dozo.


No.35|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Bird Cage


  Well, again....

  Those under the house cage are sort of parasites, however, in food safety.

  And, the human beings are, indeed, in the body cage, not remembering their origin.

  When you go out from the cages, then, you will have noticed that you have wings, not used yet for aeon of times.


No.34|Self And Other RealizationsComment(0)Trackback()

Big Mouth Is Usually A Nut


  Well,  multilaternal conferences.....

  Many use so much money to hold multilateral conferences to hear self-centered time-consuming long appealing of what they are doing or are trying to do.

  And in reality, there are many thinking that to use money to appeal themselves is a contribution, which is, however, far from a strike.

  Why not use money for the real staff ?


