
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Survival Japanese Daily Phrases


-Hello: Konnichiwa 
-How do you do? : Hajimemashite
-Nice to meet you. : Dozo yoroshiku 
-Good morning: Ohayo gozaimasu 
-Good evening. : Konbanwa 
- How are you? : O-genki desu ka? 
- I’m fine. Thanks. : Ee, okagesama de. 
- See you again. : Sayonara 

-Are you Mr. Salim? : Sarimu-san desu ka? 
-Yes. :Hai 
-No. : I-i-e 
-No, that’s different. : I-i-e chigaimasu. 
-I’m not Salim. : Sarimu ja arimasen. 

-Please tell me your name. : O-namae wa? 
-Which country do you come from? : O-kuni wa? 
- What sort of work do you do? : O-shigoto wa? 
- I’m from Thailand. : Tai desu. 
- I’m an engineer. :Enjinia desu. 
- trainee : Kenshuin 
- instructor : insutorakuta 
-student: gakusei 
-teacher: kyoshi/sensei 
-public official: komuin 
-company employee: kaishain 
-doctor: isha 
-nurse: kangofu

 ○Lesson 4 
-Excuse me./please: Onegai shimasu 
-Please/Here you are.: Dozo 
-Your passport, please.: Pasupoto, onegai shimasu 
-Yes, here you are. : Hai, dozo. 
-This one, please.: Kore, onegai shimasu. 
-Certainly.: Hai, kashikomari mashita. 
-Once again, please.: Mou ichido onegai shimasu 
- Slowly, please. : Yukkuri onegai shimasu. 
- This one: Kore 
-it/that one(close to the hearer): Sore 
-that one: are

 ○Lesson 5 
-I’m sorry./Excuse me./ Thank you. : Sumimasen 
-Thank you.: Arigato gozaimasu. 
-You are welcome. : Dou itashimashite. 
-Please help yourself to the coffee.: Kohii, dozo. 
-I’m sorry.(apology): Gomennasai

 ○Lesson 6 
-Where is the toilet? : Toire wa doko desu ka? 
- It’s over there.: Asoko desu. 
-Where’s the office?: Jimusho wa doko desu ka? 
-It’s here.: Koko desu. 
-Where’s the switch?: Suitchi wa doko desu ka? 
-It’ there(beside you). : Soko desu. 
-I this the office?: Koko wa jimusho desu ka? 
- Where am I? : Koko wa doko desu ka? 
-Where is the cafeteria?: Shokudo wa doko desu ka? 
-On the second floor.: Ni-kai desu.

 ○Lesson 7 
-There: Soko 
- Overthere: Asoko 
-where: doko 
-elevator/lift: erebeta 
-reception: uketsuke 
-money exchange: ryogae 
-bank; ginko 
-post office: yubinkyoku 
-post box: posuto 
-supermarket: supa 
-department store: depato 
-pharamacy/chemist: kusuriya/yakkyoku 
-hospital: byoin 
-station: eki 
-bus stop: basutei 
-restaurant: resutoran

 ○Lesson 8 
-Do you have an English menu?: Eigo no menyu, arimasu ka? 
-Give me sandwiches, please. : Sandoichi, kudasai 
-Do you have sandwiches?: Sandoichi, arimasu ka? 
-Yes, we have.: Hai, arimasu. 
-Give me spaghetti, please.: Supagetti, kudasai. 
-Certainly.: Hai 
- May I help you?: Irashai mase. 
- Coffee, please.: Kohii, onegai shimasu 
-No, we haven’t.: I-i-e, arimasen. 
- May I take your order?: Go-chumon wa? 
- How many of you are there?: Nan nin sama desu ka? 
-Three: San-nin desu. 
- This way, please.: Kochira e dozo.



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