
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Paper-more Evaluations By Many Missions


  Actually are there so many missions to come to do so-called evaluations of projects, and grants are used for those international and local consultants or those independent consultatnts, having  retired from international organizations like UN.  Indeed, their salary is much higher and eating grant for projects in the developing countries.

  Most of grant money can go into the pocket of those international experts and into seminar costs; the most needed can not benefit much, but those officials can get some day-payment to participate in seminars, training, together with some food at not-so-bad hotels.

  All in all, without experts, no development;
however, so many paper-works of evaluations are, from some ironical perspectives, labor-costing, paper-cosuming and not to give direct benefits to those in need.




To Enlarge Your Perspectives Is Always Good?


  Well, most people may agree that to widen perspective toward yourself and the world is a good thing to support.

  Is this really so?

  When you are opened up to a new perspective of things, that can mean that you are not satisfied with those things you take for granted; you can not be satisfied with those old things and values and circumstances according to your new perspective.  In a sense, you are value-shocked or culture-shocked.

   However, though with inner changing by this new aspect, you have to live in the same environment with the same faces; Inner changes can make you feel that you are already not fitted to the old.

  This can mean you are unstable, being unhappy; Or you pursue new perspective of yourself in a new place?  At least, you need guts.



Women In Development, Empowerment Of Women, Gender


 WID is quite an issue and biased in many perspectives.

 Those in "need" of WID, in the eye of  so-called development experts from the "developed" countries, are really in need?

  Not a few  women have much more conservative ideas toward their identical cultural values in addition to the mores or the ethical moral or the religious ones.

  The notion of WID can be a weapon against the social values, saying that the European and American values are right and correct, though they  say, superficially, that  traditional social values are duely taken into good consideration. 

  Do they know Democracy costs too much as a huge burden upon those in the "developing "?
  Do those in the "developing" have to adapt themselves to  get  "humanitarian-willed"  or grant-baiting cooperation in order to realize European and Americans' ideas of values at the cost of their identity?

 Again, this is a Big Issue like Feminism.



Dark Side Of Economic Boom


 According to Herald Tribune, China, already-wake-up Lion, is facing the dark side of its economic boom. As you may feel, China shows nowadays its weight and influences everywhere especially in the developing countries including Africa.

 However, "electricity in China is predominately produced by inefficient, but easy to build, coal-fired power plants that spew greenhouse pollutants into the atmosphere." and "Our Greatest achivement is our biggest burden." according to a Chinese.

 "No country in history has emerged as a major industrial power without creating a legacy of environmental damage that can take decades and big dollops of public wealth to undo."

  This is just only another Chinese story? 
  Well, not at all.  The pollution in China means the pollutions in the world; this is world-wide situations to influence other countries indeed. 
 And China's possible economic failure can mean so much because of the Globalization that is, by some, worshipped as Embodied Virtue. 

 Globalization is, indeed, Dancing Shiva, anyhow.
 Could the human control this Dancing Shiva?



Analytic Overlay In Remote Viewing


 As for RV or  Remote Viewing, or 1000-mile sight or 3rd Eye,  those having esoteric information or psychic data can face lack of clarity of images by Analytic Overlay or "Wise" reasoning.

  Any esoteric work, meditation, body work, healing, energy work, Zen or religious enlightenment to name a few, yes, they ask you that you are a white paper.
  The well-versed in the esoteric things stumble because they are very good at coining and imitating notions by coloring; they create things, and they can not get pure original images of that which is over there in many layers of dimensions.

  To be natural to yourself, to dissolve all of what you have learned with pride, is a short cut and the Way itself; you do not havet to walk nor develop nor learn, however, as  a process, you learn and delete what you get to realize your whiteness once more.

  Don't you feel so?


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You Are Imperfect To Be Perfect By Learning Here?


  Do you suspect that you are imperfect and less developed, and in it, you must learn lessons in this life to get free from reincarnation cycles?  

 Or you must do good deeds of virtue to re-enlighten yourself?

 Or you think that your life here is the school for you to learn more and to be a person of good will?

  Well, is it so indeed?

  Do you know yourself well? 

  Yes, some parts of you are always in process, however, other parts of you are, or may be  very wise in no need of  lessons; You are perfect  partly and changing partly.




Tourism Is Savior Or Destructor? Eco-Tourism?


  Well, most people think that to promote tourism is a good thing for developing countries to get foreign currencies and so duely for national development and creation of jobs, in addition to income increase of peoples.

   On the other hand, tourists are very egoistic for their curiosity sake and their quality of life standard.
 Even some insist upon that they are promoting "Eco-Tourism", but  with Big But, they do not understand the biodiversity nor what about of Eco-Tourism at all; they promot e destruction of Mother Nature which can not be cured by hundreds of years afterwards.

  And those lovers of hiking from Europe walk over the virgin nature for their appetite, and they ask too much and they think they are contributing to local people of developing countries by their shoe trekking tours. However, is it so indeed?   

  Tourism in developing countries is promoted for Money's sake especially for the few upon Capitalism, and Eco-Tourism is not so easy thing to realize.

