already SHIFTED?
According to "Breath Awareness" by Leonard, these are symptoms associated with the hyperventilation syndrome.
Well, sometimes could people misunderstand themselves as Spiritually Awakened, but in reality, just Hyperventilation Symptoms only. But it is very difficult to differentiate states of real spiritual processing and the hyper.
Here are the symptoms as mentioned above.
-Rapid Breathing
-Forced or Heavy Breathing
-Involuntary breathing
-Difficulty with breathing
-Tingling or Vibrating sensations in hands or feet
-Tetany(temporary paralysis or cramps)
-Light-headedness or dizziness
-Hysterical crying
-Irrational feelings of fear or terror
-Out of Body Experience
-Temporary insanity
-Localized feelings of extreme pressure on body parts
-Strong energy flows
-Fluctuating body temperature
-Extreme sweating or inconsolable cold
-Body rushes
-Full-Body orgasmic feelings
-Spiritual or religious visions
-Dramatic telepathic experiences
-Dryness of mouth
-Buzzing or ringing in the ears
-Birth memories or dream-like states
-Euphoria and Blissful states
-Color fantasies and vivid color perception
-Muscle spasm including epileptic-type seizures
-Death and resurrection experiences
・Ascension is that you raise body's energies to let your body-consciousness become New Earth Soul(Dyad Soul): Your body shifted from the matter to the spiritual.
・Ascension :Earth already in Unity, no need for Ascension.
Humans' consciousness only shifts into Unity.
・When you see Truth, all cells of your body see Truth: Breeze of Truth flows through your body.
・Response is not Reaction.
・Live Directly and Frankly to yourself is to follow what your Body feels or Sensations.
According to a russian source as below, Mt. Fuji does keep the key of internity and controls the natural disasters on the Earth.
"Спящий вулкан Фудзи - самая высокая гора Японии. Фудзи-ман также известна как Гора Бессмертия. По преданию, в ее вулканических недрах хранится ключ от вечности. Хозяева ключа, по преданиям коренных местных жителей айнов, - духи, которые управляют природными катаклизмами. Поэтому к горе до сих пор относятся с почтением и уважением. В июле и августе паломники восходят на гору с зажженными факелами, чтобы прославить богов и попросить их защитить от всех бед."
(Thanks for the info)
I have sensed, in the morning, this being, which can multiply itself instantly, in my room. Yes, it resembles the sea urchin.
It has, according to what I feel, some kind of intellct.
Have you seen this before?