
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Poverty and Police(Military)


  Poverty is all-mighty-reason for troubles facing the developing countries. And chaotic disorders require Military and Police power to control the situations or to realize pseudo-stability.

  The unfortunate is that "poor" people use poverty as a pretext  for running away from responsibility: those of this kind can not be trusted by others. And in it, they are poor, for they can not get trust from others and other countries.

  And wars loom up because of distrust among the people: due result. They get poorer.




Post Conflict, DDR


  Sometimes do I communicate with my friend in Juba, South Sudan about situations overthere. Post conflict management, especially the small arms management  in the framework of DDR is one of the points to discuss.

 Unfortunately, those wealthy countries with natural resources are under complex conflicts, for there are many players seeking their interests, national or personal.
 In this sense, south Sudan is a "good" example as cross-fire-point.

 Personally am I open-minded pessimist for the Sudan situation for some reasons.

 Anyhow, Abdullah the Butcher  or Larry Shreve is, to be said, from Sudan, however, the source said his grandmother was living  in Sudan for a short time, and he himself is born and
bred in  Canada.  It seems he now runs a restaurant, and live in Japan?!



Big Mouth Is Usually A Nut


  Well,  multilaternal conferences.....

  Many use so much money to hold multilateral conferences to hear self-centered time-consuming long appealing of what they are doing or are trying to do.

  And in reality, there are many thinking that to use money to appeal themselves is a contribution, which is, however, far from a strike.

  Why not use money for the real staff ?




Capacity Building Of The Developing?


  Well,  nowadays, most important jobs are paper-works to evaluate projects; and for the evaluation, initial reports from developing countries are a must, however, it is not easy at all to have a suitable reports, you know.

  Sometimes is the language a problem; reports need to be translated. But the government does not have enough capacity to do that; in addition, their staff do not work,  Because of corruption? Possibly. Because of no PC to do that? Possibly. Because of limited capacity? Maybe so.

  Capacity Building is a good phrase to use, however, to realize this is another thing indeed. When you, an official of the public,  are trained nicely to have a capacity, you can be head-hunted by international organizations with good pay.  In this way, in the government do a few with ability remain, and most able officals are siphoned by the UN agencies or Major International NGOs.

  The government of the developing is always lacking in the able staff. And Donors insist that Capacity Building is needed badly in this developing country!!!



Globalization Does Contribute To Poverty Reduction?


  Well, it is often said like this.

" Globalization has two edges; risks and benefits. And the risks can be less than the benefits, and in it,  Globalization can be better to select."

  This can be true by a condition  that the developing country can handle risks properly. If not, then, yes, some classes of the country can benefit somewhat , however, the gap between the poor and the rich can expand rapidly to cause more severe poverty, though there might be some statistical "improvement" of the poverty conditions.

 The statistics is a numeral trick, and when you depend upon it fully to evaluate things, then, you are making up things that are far from reality. 



Evaluation Missions From International Organizations


  Well, those high-salaried international consultants paid by the international organization are very good at making papers; their main works are to interview pepole and make papers.

  It is OK.


  Have you yourself been interviewed by those guys of Development Mafia?
  Well, personally, I always feel that I am under criminal investigation by them, forced to confess or even to comment negatively about others. 
 And they come very frequently these years, you know. 

 They eat so much of money that should be used for the sake of people in the developing countries.

  Evaluation is fine, however, do these evaluation papers benefit those developing countries in reality?

  Or they only get tons of papers prepared  instead of hardwares needed so badly now? 
  Is this really development cooperation?



Transparency International


  Well, there are many papers by international organizations in development or democracy ,  and they do, indeed, like to make ranking lists of the countries in the world, especially the developing.

 So, this report from Transparent International is another good example of ranking the countries according to levels of Corruption.

 Is there any substantial meaning by this ranking approach, anyhow?


