I have got today the Newsletter from Spirit of Ma'at that shall be shared with others, and here you are a part of it.
No matter where we live on the planet, the patterns of the season are about to change. As far from the darkness as we are from the light, the mid-winter cross-quarter brings us to a turning point, or a still point, where we hover for a moment between life and death.
Long before Saint Valentine loaned meaning to the month of February, it was Saint Brigid who reigned over this part of the yearly cycle. Her magical abilities gave her the power to enter the heart of Mother Earth and turn on the tap that brings sap to the trees, milk to the breast, life to the soil, and love to the heart of every living thing. To honor Brigid, and to support her in the task of restoring fertility and light to the world, in the early weeks of February milk was poured into the earth to nourish her juices and candles were lit to hasten the return of the Sun.
If the passage of time has obscured Saint Brigid and her rituals, her ability to quicken the life force and call upon the power of love to seed her creations in the heart of darkness has never been diminished. At a time when life on this planet is in the throes of awakening to a whole new vision the Goddess of the mid-winter cross-quarter would seem to be a touchstone for all of us.
In remembrance of her gifts, and in honor of the forces that are intrinsic to the season, all of the articles and media presentations in our Turning Point Issue are devoted to the heart, and to the visions that are born every time we enter it with a wish to bring more love and light to the world.