Well, most of all the people play affection-attachment- "Unconditional Love" Game, using certain intriguing notions as "Twin Soul", "Soul Mates", "Ascendend Masters", " Guru's Shakti" , to name a few. And ready for the soaring up, only for the "enlightened groups"?
Whatever expressions might be put, they could, indeed, be put as playing well other "higher" and more "spiritual" games, scorning not-spiritual people not knowing the spiritual dimensions or whatever. Games are games. whether "higher" or "lower".
Unconsciously are they lost in pitfalls, though they are gaining some aspects of the unknown, the inivisible worlds and dimensions with sense of realities. However, they are trapped inside MAYA's dellusions well-calculated.
On the other hand, it is reported that anti-Tamiful swine flu virus is already born after the transmutation in border areas of USA and Mexico. This can indicate that the vaccine under testing now might be useless for the new type swine flu virus.
If this "Evil" swine flu virus be heralding sort of goodnews by changing human's DNA, then, what do you do?
Bio-Hazard as Swne Flu and Spirit-Hazard as New Age's might be, substantially, the same from risk- management's perspective; and Serendipity could happen in both of the cases.