
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

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Thermae Romae


Zara Spa, in Dead Sea, had been really existed in the roman period , it seems. for you know, Kalliroe hot spring where Herod the Great was frequenting for hot spring's remedy, and in it, of course, as of today, there was/is good quality of medical Mud composed of hot spring minerals and Dead Sea extract. As my imagination is going on, it feels that Romans in the past come from Jericho by boat to east side of Dead Sea, or specifically, to Kallioroe hot spring area, in order to take medical treatments. And you can find ruins of the past Kalliroe therama romae in it, which includes many bathing spaces. it sounds thousands of bathing people can enjoy the essence of hot spiring together with floating experience upon Dead Sea. Still, Dead Sea is located in the most lowest point of the Earth like Womb/Vagina of Terra, and sun bathing is more healthy in it with more oxygen. In addition, Dead Sea mud of much salt can syphon out your bad energy as in detox.... Romans know Something, all in all.



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