
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

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Spring Equinox


Well, again, I've got another newsletter for March edition, and here you are to share~~ and good March days! http://spiritofmaat.com/mar12/index.htm "Most of us are aware that these are not ordinary times. By the twenty-second of March the Sun will meet the Aries Point and inseminate the planet with the next wave of change. Since there is no precedent for what is to come, all we can do is open our Hearts and surrender to that which we have yet to fully comprehend. With that in mind our March issue is full of articles and media presentations that will help you stay centered and clear at a point when everything in creation is shifting into a totally new gear. To honor the essence of the season, and to keep the focus where it counts, we chose to post Drunvalo’s “Birth of a New Humanity” at the top of the article list. From there we go on to cover things with an eye to making the reality of this birth experience a whole lot easier. Welcome to our Spring Equinox edition! It’s time to dive in and let the promise of new beginnings, along with all of the information in this month’s issue, bless you with a deeper sense of what it might mean to open your eyes and gaze out upon a world where the Heart lies at the center of everything."


