
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

already SHIFTED?






Akashic Records Guided Imagery


 This is some sample of Akashic Guided Imagery done by Gary.

 Take a moment to focus on your breath.
 Find the moment when the exhalation becomes the inhalation, then the moment when the inhalation becomes the exhalation. Continue to focus on the moments between breaths. 
 Allow the musles of your physical body to completly relax. Now focus on your inhalation.
 Breathe in the purest molecules of oxygen. See them coming into your body as tiny points of light, filling your lungs, then spreading down to your toes, melting away all tension. Lift that light up from your lungs, up through your neck, sending it to the center of your brain.

  Feel your brain soften, the molecules of gray matter relaxing down towards the base of your brain cavity. Allow the light to spread down into the brain stem at the top of the neck. Feel the muscles of your back relax and soften as the light moves deeper, flowing down the spinal column to your sacrum. Give yourself the command to fully relax.

(Pause count 3 breaths)

 With your imagination, see a beautiful path stretching out in front of you. On either side of the path are wonderful shrubs and flowers. Allow the path to continue to lead you. Look around and enjoy the picturesque settings. Notice the sky. The white puffy coulds float effortlessly in the light blue surroundings. The path is getting steeper now. Feel the muscles of your legs working harder now as the path keeps getting steeper.

 In just a moment you will see that tha path you are on is leading to the opening of a cave. Continue to feel the path getting steeper., steeper. Feel your legs, buttocks and lower back working harder as you move toward the cave. You are now bending forward in response to the steepness of the path. The cave is now directly in front of you. The opening of the cave is slightly higher than  the top of your head and is wider than your outstretched arms. Before you enter, turn around and look directly into the sun. Allow the Light of the sun to burn away your sight.

 Now turn around and slowly move into the cave.
 Trust that  your feet konow the way. A damp earth smell fills your nostrils as you continue down into the cave. Allow your sight to slowly begin to take in the details of the cave. The walls of the cave glisten with moisture and minerals. Move further along. Multi shaped mineral deposits from around the path creating wonderful imaginary creatures. A small beautiful Light flickers at you from deep inside the cave. Feel the path pulling you downward toward the Light. Feel your body leaning backward as you descend. A cool gentle breeze moves across your face as you get closer to the source of Light. The breeze is now turning into gusts of colder air as you continue moving downward. See the pathway turning to your left. As you turn the corner, a wonderful cathedral type room with high ceilings and glistening walls replaces the narrow shaft of the cave. You are standing on a landing overlooking an alter that holds the small eternal flame of a candle.

A long flight of staris with 2 levels leads downward to the floor below. A familiar feeling of  power fills your chest as you descend the first flight of 11 steps. Count each step -22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16,15,14,13,12...Pause on the landing. Begin counting as you continue down the steps of the second flight.  11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,2, 1.... The floor of the cave seems oddly familiar as you walk across to the altar. The Altar is exactly like you thought it would be, and you are standing in front of it fills you with delight. On the surface of the altar and to the left of where you are standing is an artifact from your past, and on the right is an object from your future. 3 candles occupy the center place. Only the center one is lit. Reach down, pick up the center candle and light, first the left, then the right candles. The right candle has a deep purple flame. The one to the left has a bright blue flame. Watch as their glow begins to illumnate the details of the altar.


 Behind the altar is a massive black window looking out into Forever.
 Pickup the artifact from your past (on your left), hold it out in front of you, level with your lower abdomen, and gaze above and beyond it into the window. Allow your vision to soften , to go out of focus. From deep inside, ask a question concerning your most recent past life.

 Allow the details to reveal themselves to you in the window.
 Ask for the information to be given in a manner that you fully understand.
 It is Okay to remember the past with clarity. There is nothing to fear from the past. There are no wrong choices or bad decisions in the past.

 Allow the images of the past to fade away into the darkness of the window. Place the artifact back on the altar. Turn around and face the stairs you have just descended. The ceiling is very high toward the back of the vault. Hanging on the wall over the opening of the cave are several tapestries of woven silk. Refresh yourself as you lool closely at the details. These tapestries represent your families, friends, the cultures, the complete details of your past lives.

It's time to llok at the future. Face the altar once again and pick up the object to your right. Hold the object a few inches in front of your heart. Look into the blackenss of the window. Soften your visual focus. Allow the pictures of future events to form in the window. It is Okay to know about events before they happen .

 You will remember everything you are seeing in great details.
 Use all your senses to intergrate the information you are witnessing.
 Smell the air of the inner chamber. Feel the object in your hands. See the images before you. Taste what is in your mouth. Hear the sounds the images are producing.

 Put the object back on the altar. Reach over and put out the flames of the candles between your finger tip. These flames are cool to the touch and will not hurt you. 
 Now step back from the altar and ascend the first 11 stairs. Stop at the landing.
 Take a deep breath.
 Continue up the last 11 steps. Turn and survey the room.
 Notice any change that might have happened to your perception of the room. Turn and walk back into the cave. The path gently slopes upward as you leave the great room. The walls glisten with moisture and the smell of damp earth fills your nostrils. Move silently and quickly back to the opening of the cave.

 The sunlight is strong against the darkness of the cave. Allow the Light of the sun to take your sight as you move from the cave to the outer path.
 You know you are outside because you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. It's a beautiful day and you feel alive with the knowledge that you can remember all that hs been experienced in your past and all that you have planned for the future.
 Your physical body is refreshed and filled to over flowing with joy and enthusiasm for life. Allow our sight to return as you make your way back down the path.




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