
Shifting Into Pure Static Energy Beings

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News letter from Spirit of Ma'at : Winter Solstice


  I have got the newsletter as usual from Spirit of Ma'at, feeling that this should be shared with others in the world.


Welcome to our Winter Solstice edition!
In a few weeks, the light will return, and the Solstice energies will open the space for a whole new cycle to begin. As we approach this seminal moment, do we understand that it holds an opportunity for each one of us to approach it consciously, in a way that might allow us to create a new and better world? 

 Knowing that all of us are here to do just that, the “Main Course” in our December issue contains over one hundred pages of letters from our readers. Your responses to the question; “How has the Great Shift been Treating You?” give us reason to believe that if the future truly is in our hands, life on this planet is already changing in incredible and remarkable ways.
 In addition to your letters, our writers came through with some really interesting and thought provoking articles this month.
 Their words are bound to expand your sense of what it takes to remain centered and whole in the middle of a paradigm shift. If that isn’t enough, “Aspiro-Life’s”, Cyrilla Gallagher ties it up with a beautiful red bow in an audio interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek that will absolutely blow your mind.

This is our gift to you. We hope that everything it contains inspires you to open your hearts to the blessings of the season and to the Christ Consciousness energies that fill this point in the yearly cycle with unconditional love 


